Decreasing Ocean Oxygen Levels

Falling Ocean Oxygen levels

Falling Ocean Oxygen levels

The IUCN just released a study- "Ocean Deoxygenation: Everyone's Problem" that paints a grim picture of our oceans future. 

 Here are some of the facts:

-Loss of ocean O2 is attributed to 2 causes:

1. Eutrophication (largely caused by run off) and deposition of nitrogen (burning of fossil fuels)

2. Ocean warming

-  With management, eutrophication driven hypoxia can be improved.

- Marine organisms are impacted:

1.  Feeding behavior 

2. Distribution 

3.  Growth and lifecycle changes

- Global ocean oxygen content has decreased 1 to 2% since the mid 20th century. 

-Ocean warming likely explains 50% of the 02 loss in the top 1000 m of the ocean.

- Ocean circulation is slowing due to increased temperature and in turn is causing less oxygenated mixing, especially in deeper waters.

- Naturally occurring Low Oxygen Zones (LOZ's) are expanding and previously non-existed LOZ's are cropping up in oceans worldwide.

-Ocean Deoxygenation  Is everyone's problem as it has the potential to influence weather, crop success, food supplies, and water supplies, which affect people everywhere.

 Want to learn more or read the whole article? Check it out here:

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